Publicaciones desde el año 2012
- Vanotti M.B., Dube P.J., Szogi A.A., García-González M.C. (2017). Recovery of ammonia and phosphate minerals from swine wastewater using gas-permeable membranes. Water Research, 112: 137-146.
- Fongaro, G., Garcia, M.C., Hernández, M., Kunz, A., Barardi, C., Rodriguez-Lazaro, D. (2017). Different behaviour of enteric bacteria and viruses in clay and sandy soils after biofertilization with swine digestate. Frontiers in Microbiology. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00074.
- Riaño, B., Blanco, S., Becares, E., García-González, M.C. (2016). Bioremediation of anaerobic digested cheese whey in microalgal-based systems and biomass flocculation induced by high pH for lipid production. Ecological Engineering, 97, 40-45.
- García-González, M.C., Riaño, B., Teresa, M., Herrero, E., Ward, A.J., Provolo, G., Moscatelli, G., Piccinini, S., Bonmatí, A., Bernal, P., Proniewicz, M. (2016). Treatment of swine manure in European´s N surplus areas. Journal of Scientia Agricola, 73, (5), 444-454.
- García-González, M.C., Vanotti, M.B., Szogi, A.A. (2016). Recovery of ammonia from anaerobically digested manure using gas-permeable membranes. Scientia Agricola. 73(5): 434-438.
- Hernández, D., Riaño, B., Coca, M., Solana, M., García-González, M.C., Bertucco, A. (2016). Microalgae cultivation in high rate algal ponds using slaughterhouse wastewater for biofuel applications. Chemical Engineering Journal, 285, 449-458.
- Matei, P.M., Sánchez-Báscones, M., Bravo-Sánchez, C.T., Martín-Ramos, P., Martín-Villullas, M.T., García-González, M.C, Hernández-Navarro, S., Navas-Gracia, L.M., Martín-Gil, J. (2016). Hygienization and control of Diplodia seriata fungus in vine pruning waste composting and its seasonal variability in open and closed systems. Waste Management, 58: 126-134.
- Matei, P.M., Martin-Ramos, P., Sánchez-Báscones, M., García-González, M.C, Martín-Villullas, M.T., Hernández-Navarro, S., Navas-Gracia, L.M., Martín-Gil, J. (2016). Thermal death kinetics of Diplodia seriata fungus inoculated in vitro in pruned vine shoots. European Journal of Plant Pathology. DOI: 10.1007/s10658-016-1063-y.
- Valdehita, A., Fernández-Cruz, M.L., González-Gullón, M., Becerra-Neira, E., Delgado, M., García-González, M.C., Navas, J. (2016). Androgens and androgenic activity in broiler manure assessed by means of chemical analyses and in vitro: Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 9999: 1-9.
- Fongaro G., Hernández M., García-González M.C., Monte Barardi C.R., Rodríguez-Lázaro D. (2016). Propidium Monoazide Coupled with PCR Predicts Infectivity of Enteric Viruses in Swine Manure and Biofertilized Soil. Food and Environmental Virology, 8: 79-85.
- Dube P.J., Vanotti M.B., Szogi A.A., Garcia-González M.C. 2016. Enhancing recovery of ammonia from swine manure anaerobic digester effluent using gas-permeable membrane technology. Waste Management, 49: 372-377.
- Riaño B. and García-González, M.C. (2015). Greenhouse gas emissions of an on-farm swine manure treatment plant- comparison with conventional storage in anaerobic tanks. Journal of Cleaner Production, 103, 542-548.
- Hernández, D., Riaño, B., Coca, M., García-González, M.C. (2015). Saccharification of carbohydrates from microalgal biomass by different physical, chemical and enzymatic pre-treatments as a previous step of bioethanol production. Chemical Engineering Journal, 262, 939-945.
- García-González M.C., Vanotti M.B., Szogi A.A. (2015). Recovery of ammonia from swine manure using gas-permeable membranes: Effect of aeration. Journal of Environmental Management, 152: 19-26.
- Hernández, D., Solana, M., Riaño, B., García-González, M.C., Bertucco, A. (2014). Biofuels from microalgae: Lipid extraction and methane production from the residual biomass in a biorefinery approach. Bioresource Technology, 170, 370-378.
- Riaño B., Coca, M. and García-González, M.C. (2014). Evaluation of Fenton method and ozone-based processes for color and organic matter removal from biologically pre-treated swine manure. Chemosphere, 117, 193-199.
- Riaño B. and García-González, M.C. (2014). On-farm treatment of swine manure based on solid-liquid separation and biological nitrification-denitrification of the liquid fraction. Journal of Environmental Management, 132, 87-93.
- Posadas E., Muñoz A., García-González M.C., Muñoz R., García-Encina P.A. (2014). A case study of a pilot high rate algal pond for the treatment of fish farm and domestic wastewaters. Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology. DOI 10.1002/jctb.4417.
- Posadas E., Bochon, S., Coca, M., García-González, M.C., García-Encina, P.A., Muñoz, R. (2014). Microalgae-based agroindustrial wastewater treatment: a preliminary screening of biodegradability. Journal of Applied Phycology. 26(6): 2335-2345.
- Riaño B., García-González M. C. (2014). On-farm treatment of swine manure based on solid-liquid separation and biological nitrification-denitrification of the liquid fraction. Journal of Environmental Management, 132: 87-93.
- Valdehita, A. Quesada-García, M. M. Delgado, J. V. Martín, M. C. García-González, M. L. Fernández-Cruz, J. M. Navas. (2014). In vitro assessment of thyroidal and estrogenic activities in poultry and broiler manure. Science of the Total Environment. 472: 630-641.
- Hernandez D., Riaño B., Coca M., García-González M.C. (2013) Treatment of agro-industrial wastewater using microalgae-bacteria consortium combined with anaerobic digestion of produced biomass. Bioresource Technology, 135, 598-603.
- Molinuevo-Salces B., Gómez, X., Morán, A., García-González, M.C. (2013) Anaerobic codigestion of livestock and vegetable processing wastes: Fibre degradation and digestates stability. Waste Management, 6 - 33, 1332-1338.
- Riaño B., Hernández D. and García-González M.C. (2012). Microalgal-based systems for wastewater treatment: effect of applied organic and nutrient loading rate on biomass composition. Ecological Engineering, 49, 112-117.
- Riaño B., Molinuevo B. and García-González M.C. (2012). Optimization of chitosan flocculation for microalgal-bacterial biomass harvesting via response surface methodology. Ecological Engineering, 38, 110-113.
- Molinuevo-Salces B., González-Fernández C., Gómez, X., García-González, M.C. (2012). Vegetable processing wastes addition to improve swine manure anaerobic digestion: Evaluation in terms of methane yield, organic matter reduction and SEM characterization. Applied Energy. 1 - 91, 36-42.
- Pérez-Sangrador, M.P., León-Cófreces, M.C., Acítores-Benavente, M., García-González, M.C. (2012). Solids and nutrient removal from flushed swine manure using polyacrylamides. Journal of Environmental Management. 93 (1): 67-70.
- Sánchez Bascones, M., Correa, A., Pérez, A., Blanco, D., Cabaleiro, F., García-Morales, J.L., Soto, M., García-González, M.C., Díez, M.A., Bernal, M.P., Moral, R., Carballas, T.. De residuo a recurso, el camino hacia la sostenibilidad. Volumen 2: Residuos ganaderos. Ediciones Mundi-Prensa. ISBN: 978-84-8476-546-2.
- García-González, M.C., Fradejas, B., Riaño, B., León, C., González, R., Muñoz, M., Fernández, N., Alonso, R.M., Blanco, D. 2015. Guía de gestión de deyecciones ganaderas en Castilla y León. Ed. Instituto Tecnológico de Castilla y León, Junta de Castilla y León. ISBN: 978-84-938243-4-1.

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